Description: Boylston Water District

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Water Conservation Tips

From May 1st to September 30th, non-essential outdoor water use is only allowed two days per week, and before 9:00 AM and after 5:00 PM.

Stop those leaks!!!

  • Check your indoor water using appliances and devices for leaks. Many silent leaks allow water and your money to go down the drain. Studies have shown homes can waste water more than 10% due to leaking, which costs you and the environment.
  • Replace your toilet if it is old. It is the largest water user in your home. Install a 1.6-gallon flush toilet to conserve water.
  • Check leaks in your irrigation system. Inspect your sprinklers and drip sprayers regularly during the daytime since optimal time to water is in the nighttime hours.
  • Replace your clothes washer. Energy rated washers that also have a water factor at or lower than 9.5, use 35-50% less water.
  • Water only what your plants need. Make sure your irrigation system has a rain shutoff device.


2023 Commissioner’s Report – (PDF, 112k) - NEW

2014 Cross Connection Educational Statement – (PDF, 89k)